Monday, April 20, 2009

I was lucky enough to have a long conversation with an older fellow at a restaurant in Corrales, NM after a day of moving rock. He gave me a bit of advice from a buddy of his who had recently died on cancer. The friend had spent a large amount of time assembling a high quality winemaking equipment and had been making it for years. He was finally happy with his process and had everything he needed to make great wine. Yet, he got cancer an old had a short time to live. He told his buddy, the fellow I met, to never finish anything, ever. I am alright with that, I think. In that thought, here are some finished pieces. love. stephen.

a sort of theme here...
1) rough of a cosmonaut, CCCP... taken from a photo seconds before the craft burned up in the atmosphere.
2) Mr. John Glenn. 1962.

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