Monday, December 28, 2009

fuller busy hounds honest mix

henson sets the scene for a rather large piece. more on him here. a hero of mine. couldn't catch the whole... these are the parts.
love, stephen.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Las Crucified

H-Ween and Thanksgiving '09

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

olfactory death by fragrant days

I have been making fliers for bands.

a holiday show, a sort of Cerberus reindeer. Factoid, reindeers (caribou if not in N.A. or domesticated(?) ) are tough to draw due to their long noses. post script: i am for hire (pretty much free)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

fucked the fuck up.

well, trying different styles these days. a theme that i tried to hold strong to... but got bored. 2 usefuls came out, i suppose. ol' gs.

1. for you.
2. been doing the fingers for a while now, this is new.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


So I am not going to say I am any great photographer. And this is not really art, but hell, it is the holiday so, hope you enjoy.

1) my dia de los muertos reference pumpkin.
2) lovely weather of denver, had to snow another 7 or eight inches.
3) the crew, from left to right... jellyfish, little debbie, boxer, tyrone, comet.
4) john wilkes booth complete with abe's head, eating a lil' deb cake.
5) had to throw it to dan deacon show at rhinoceropolis.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Guido Gettogether '09

This trip turned out to be one of the best things I have done in recent history. It was a four or five day shindig, filled with a lot of rain, train rides, broken planes, and good friends.

I got in to Newark two or so hours late, thanks to a broken plane in Minneapolis, where I swear to God, found out where the vikings ended up. Shit you not, I may have been the smallest human there. What surprised me was there was not a viking riot following the news that our plane was busted.

I went to eat some AandW and tried to avoid techno vikings.

While waiting for the NJ Transit to get to Penn. Station and eventually Brooklyn, I met two nice spanish senioritas and a girl from CA. The girl from CA almost got off in the hood thinking that she got to Penn. I explained to her that for her own safety she should probably not get off, because she would meet this guy most likely guaranteed.

The first day was the only skateboarding day, with Mike Lau, my dear Hawaiian friend who housed me in Brooklyn, and who filmed a lot of this:

We went to a bunch of swank night spots and what you you generally expect from a New York trip. -An unmarked bar that was part of a secret club, and Mike got word of via a japanese model. -East village spots -ect.

Then my cousin Jess came to get me and take me to Queens, where we had a little family reunion. Ate proper, got proper.
Mike took these:

The offender from the video: Zoey:

Then off to New Jersey to see G-pa

I tried to talk him into cracking a bottle of wine he made in 1961.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glory Hole Photos

I don't know if such an absurd and mildly offensive title is really appropriate for these photos, but it is the first thing that came to mind.
Over on Trisolini and Sau I put up a series of photos from this summer. Right now I am in the process of getting a couple of them framed (They are huge 20 x 20 prints), by one of my dear friends named Bruce

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't know where to put them

I have pictures from about two months ago when I shot the most rappers I have seen at one time collectively outside of prison. They don't really have a spot on my site, but I do like them. These are pictures from the Takeover Tour in New Mexico.

Following Rick Ross' set I went over and gave him a hug when coincidentally the stage lights went off, and gave him a hug that kind of scared him and was unreciprocated.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

getting sketchy is better than getting shady

I have years of sketches wasting space all over my life. Now they can weasel their way into yours.

1)dan deacon... will be playing here in a matter of weaks.
2)flamingo study
3)history fav of mine, perhaps a future homemade tattoo... shhhh.
4)no idea.
5)drawing while listening to winfred e. eye. lovely winter music
6)landing bird study
7)recently made. no sure if i like it... leaning to no.

Monday, September 28, 2009

a little video work

Most of my time has been going into video projects for the Daily lobo, so I decided to share one I thought other people might be into.

In other news I went up to Denver to see the legend that is SJ, also known as Steven official Denver resident Julander, maybe two weeks ago. We went to Monolith Music Festival, and felt a bit of monowrath

Exemplified here:

yom kippur

Well, to those who observe, today is a day of atonement. A fun little dittie for people of any faith: apologenerator
Jon shot me this one after I set the link to him and I find it necessary to post it.

Dear Steven,

We've been friends for a long time now, but it is important to remember no one is Fuck. I definitely shouldn't have ate too much cake to you this year, nor should I have killed your cat. I am very pretty and hope that you cry.

What can I Build to make it up to you? I tried to Buy you a case of herpe cream, but the store was all Fucking out of them.

Instead, please yell this bitch as a most heartfelt apology.

Have a very Fucking New Year!


PS IF that doesn't work can I buy you Crabs?

Monday, September 21, 2009

simple but preceding something larger...

Quite a fantastic fellow and a great read if you have a bit of time.... learn more

also one of the better songs i have heard this year... and an amazing remix well worth accolades.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Newish Pictures


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gettin Sketchy in Lecce

My cousin Marco decided it would be a good idea to go to Lecce (probably one of the world's dopest spots) in order to fiesta our nuts off for the notte bianco. The notte bianco is the festa of all festas. The entire city is one giant party and there are different concerts going on in each piazza, and above all no one sleeps.
awesome, lets do it I said.
So we go on the road at 11ish

Then some dude was getting his paint on in one of the side streets.

And this dude was next to him.

This little dude is supposed to be famous or something. I guess he gets some pretty serious youtube hits. It must suck to be really small.

I wasnt joking about it being packed. There was many times when you couldnt even move. Talk about human TRAFFIC

Cousin and I cruising for a bruising.

The whole tour group from Palagiano

The babies got a little tired and laid on the lawn

Then the sun started coming up

And we walked back to Claudio's pad which had a pretty BITCHEN view at 6 am

In the morning we had a family photo, actually it was around noon when we woke up.

Rolling back to Palagiano wasn't met with much enthusiasm

Thanks to Claudio for running us around and giving us a place to sleep!