Monday, September 28, 2009

a little video work

Most of my time has been going into video projects for the Daily lobo, so I decided to share one I thought other people might be into.

In other news I went up to Denver to see the legend that is SJ, also known as Steven official Denver resident Julander, maybe two weeks ago. We went to Monolith Music Festival, and felt a bit of monowrath

Exemplified here:

yom kippur

Well, to those who observe, today is a day of atonement. A fun little dittie for people of any faith: apologenerator
Jon shot me this one after I set the link to him and I find it necessary to post it.

Dear Steven,

We've been friends for a long time now, but it is important to remember no one is Fuck. I definitely shouldn't have ate too much cake to you this year, nor should I have killed your cat. I am very pretty and hope that you cry.

What can I Build to make it up to you? I tried to Buy you a case of herpe cream, but the store was all Fucking out of them.

Instead, please yell this bitch as a most heartfelt apology.

Have a very Fucking New Year!


PS IF that doesn't work can I buy you Crabs?

Monday, September 21, 2009

simple but preceding something larger...

Quite a fantastic fellow and a great read if you have a bit of time.... learn more

also one of the better songs i have heard this year... and an amazing remix well worth accolades.