Thursday, February 25, 2010


hello, i have been busy doing other less important shit but i entered this valentine contest.

2) the poem, for the beer says:
I've loved you so now, for year upon year,
the good, the bad, the smile, the tear,
as onward we plod, I find it not odd,
you love me and I you, my delicious dark beer.

3) oh yeah, it's three-d. but not like avatar. like your old book.
5) the front is just for you

Sunday, February 14, 2010


rad rad rad

this was done with ink and a piece of plastic bag. rad.
love, stephen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'round the house

1) part of a penpal blog try to a friend of mine. we set a theme and make random art on the theme... this was drugs. not sending it, drawn with one line in 5 minutes, shit added after. i am way into teeth right now.

This is the song the people on the Titanic listened to as it went down... apparently. Recorded in 1904.

love. Stephen.